Use this Personal Tax Organiser to keep all your tax documents together and as a checklist of what to provide to us at the end of the personal tax year. The tax year runs from 6th April 2015 to 5th April 2016.
It probably helps…
1. To open a folder, place this at the front and file all your tax documents behind in an organised manner.
2. If unsure, whether to include anything, put it in with an explanation.
3. If you need more space for any areas, please use a separate piece of paper.
Personal Information
Full name
National Insurance No
Tax Reference No
Date of birth
Male or Female
Spouse/civil partner full name
Date of marriage/civil partnership
Spouse/civil partner date of birth
Are you resident in the UK: YES/NO
Statement of Account
Please provide copies of any Statements of account received from the Revenue.
Interest Income
Please provide a certificate of interest received from each source in the year or bank statements or details of the interest received (gross, tax and net) making clear if any accounts are joint accounts.
How many accounts do you earn interest from in total ?
Dividend Income
Please provide all dividend vouchers for dividends received during the year.
How many different sources do you receive dividends from ?
State pensions and benefits
How much weekly amount of state pension received during the year ?
If this started during the year, please provide the start date.
Please provide details of any other state benefits received during the year and form P45U or P60U in respect of any incapacity benefit or jobseekers benefit received…
Benefit Amount received in the year
Pension Income
Please enclose a P60 for each pension received during the year and list the names of the payer(s)